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/MXD6 樹脂工場価格 mxd6 顆粒ペレット LGF

MXD6 樹脂工場価格 mxd6 顆粒ペレット LGF

MXD6 樹脂顆粒充填長ガラス繊維コンパウンドペレット工場出荷時の価格
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resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS

人気が高まっているナイロン製品のMXD6MXD6には2つの合成方法があり、1つはMXD6直接重縮合法で合成され、バリア材料やエンジニアリング構造の製造に使用できます。材料;もう 1 つはナイロン塩法で合成された MXD6 で、繊維グレード MXD6 樹脂の製造に使用できます。 MXD6 は、吸水率が低く、熱変形温度が高く、引張強度と曲げ強度が高く、成形収縮が小さく、O2、CO2、その他のガスに対する優れたバリア性を備えています。 MXD6 長ガラス繊維は幅広い加工温度を持っているため、ポリプロピレン (PP) と共押出成形したり、高密度ポリエチレン (HDPE) と共押出成形したりすることができます。優れたガスバリア性と熱安定性を備えています。

学年 充填仕様 製品番号 特徴 適用範囲
一般グレード 30% MXD6-NA-LGF30


40% MXD6-NA-LGF40
50% MXD6-NA-LGF50
60% MXD6-NA-LGF50

resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS

MXD6 樹脂 工場出荷時の価格 mxd6 顆粒ペレット LGF 優れた機械的および熱的特性、高強度、高弾性率および耐熱性、高難燃性、優れた耐蒸気性。MXD6 ペレットの長繊維について - 長繊維自体は短繊維よりも長く、また、長繊維粒子の方向が揃っているため、長繊維材料の均質性が高い。特殊加工された長繊維はより優れた機械的特性を発現します。

MXD6 resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS LGFMXD6 resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS LGF

resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS

resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS

MXD6 resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS

MXD6 resin Factory price mxd6 Granules PELLETS

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2023 新しい MXD6 メタキシリレン アジパミド ナイロン 長尺ガラス繊維充填 30% 高いバリア特性
MXD6とは何ですか? 従来の脂肪族ナイロンは加工が容易ですが、吸水性が強く、ガラス転移温度が低いという欠点がありました。全芳香族ナイロンは脂肪族製品の欠点を大幅に解決しましたが、加工の難易度は飛躍的に増加しました。 1972 年以降、東洋繊維と三菱ガス化学は新しい種類の半芳香族ナイロン MXD6 を合成しました。これは、脂肪族樹脂と全芳香族樹脂の欠点を大幅に克服しただけでなく、全芳香族樹脂のいくつかの利点も備えていました。 ガスバリア性の高い包装材や土木構造材などに広く使用されています。 要約すると、MXD6 には次の利点があります。 高い強度と弾性率。 ガラス転移温度はTmが237℃、Tgが85℃と高い。 吸水性、透湿性が低い。 結晶化速度が速く、形成と製造が容易。 ガスバリア性に優れています。 なぜガラス長繊維を加えるのですか? 他の方法の強化プラスチックでは必要な性能が得られない場合、または金属をプラスチックに置き換えたい場合は、長ガラス繊維強化複合材料が問題を解決します。長ガラス繊維強化複合材料は、費用対効果の高い方法で商品のコストを削減し、エンジニアリング内部骨格ネットワークの機械的特性を効果的に向上させることができます。幅広い環境下でパフォーマンスを維持します。 MXD6 のパフォーマンスとアプリケーション 他の材料と比較して、MXD6 は、高い強度と弾性率、高いガラス転移温度、低い吸水性と透湿性、速い結晶化速度、便利な成形と製造、優れたガスバリア性という利点があり、また、優れたガスバリア性も備えています。高湿度下でも二酸化炭素と酸素。 最終市場では、MXD6 が単独で使用されることはほとんどなく、通常は変性成分として他のポリマーに添加されます。MXD6 を含む材料は主に自動車および包装分野で使用されます。 MXD6 は、エンジニアリング プラスチックとして、電動工具、磁性材料、自動車のシェル、シャーシ、ガーダー、エンジン付属品などの自動車産業における金属材料の使用を置き換えることができます。 私たちはあなたに以下を提供します: 1)LFTおよびLFRT材料の技術パラメータと最先端の設計。 2) 金型前面の設計と推奨事項; 3)射出成形、押出成形などの技術サポートを提供します。 システム認証 品質マネジメントシステム ISO9001/1949認証取得 国立研究所認定証明書 変性プラスチック革新企業 名誉証明書 重金属 REACH および ROHS テスト
MXD6 ナイロン - MXD6 は結晶性ポリアミド樹脂の一種で、m-ベンゾイルアミンとアジピン酸の縮合によって合成されます。 ナイロンMXD6の利点 1. 幅広い温度範囲で高強度、高剛性を維持 2. 熱変形温度が高く、熱膨張係数が小さい 3. 吸水率が低く、吸水後の寸法変化が小さく、機械的強度の低下が少ない 4. 成形収縮率が低い非常に小さく、精密成形加工に適しています。 5. 優れたコーティング、特に高温表面コーティングに適しています。 6. 酸素、二酸化炭素、その他のガスも優れたバリア性を持っています。 プラスチック改質産業におけるMXD6の応用 MXD6 は、50 ~ 60% を含むグラスファイバー強化材料に使用するために、グラスファイバー、カーボンファイバー、鉱物、および/または高度なフィラーと組み合わせることができ、優れた強度と剛性を実現します。 ガラス含有量が多く充填されている場合でも、その滑らかで樹脂が豊富な表面により、繊維のない高光沢の表面が得られ、塗装、金属メッキ、または自然に反射するシェルの作成に最適です。 1. 流動性の高い薄肉に適しています 流動性が高く、ガラス繊維含有率が60%でも厚さ0.5mmの薄肉でも容易に充填できます。 2. 優れた表面仕上げ 樹脂 を豊富に含む完璧な表面は、ガラス繊維の含有量が高くても、高度に研磨された外観を持ちます。 3. 高い強度と剛性 The tensile and flexural strength of MXD6 is similar to that of many cast metals and alloys with the addition of 50-60% glass fiber reinforced material. 4. good dimensional stability At ambient temperatures, the linear expansion coefficient (CLTE) of MXD6 glass fiber composites is similar to that of many cast metals and alloys. Strong reproducibility due to low shrinkage and the ability to maintain tight tolerances (length tolerances as low as ± 0.05% if properly formed). Datasheet Tested by our own lab, for reference only. Frequently asked questions 1. How to choose the fiber content of the product? Is the larger product suitable for higher fiber content material? A. This is not absolute. The content of glass fiber is not more is better. The suitable content is just to meet the requirements of each products. 2. Can products with appearance requirements be made of long-fiber materials? A. The main feature of LFT-G thermoplastic long glass fiber and long carbon fiber is to show the mechanical properties. If the customer has bright or other requirements for the appearance of the products, it needs to be evaluated in combination with specific products. 3. Are there any special process requirements of long carbon fiber injection molding products? A. We must consider the requirements of long fiber for the injection molding machine screw nozzle, mold structure and injection molding process. Long fiber is a relatively high cost materiaql, and need to evaluate the cost performance problem in the selection process. 
アモイ LFT MXD6 充填長ガラス繊維 30 高靭性良い価格射出成形
MXD6 Polyadipyl-m-benzoylamine, abbreviated as mxd6, resin has higher mechanical strength and modulus than other engineering plastics, is also a special high barrier nylon material. Although the barrier of mxd6 is slightly worse than that of pvdc and evoh, its barrier is not affected by temperature and humidity, which is especially suitable for high temperature and humid occasions. In today's barrier packaging and plastic instead of steel general trend, nylon mxd6 has become one of the most eye-catching new plastic varieties. Structure performance: MXD6 nylon material has high strength, high rigidity, high thermal deformation temperature, small thermal expansion coefficient; Dimensional stability, low water absorption rate and small size change after water absorption, mechanical strength changes less; Forming shrinkage is small, suitable for precision forming processing; Excellent coating performance, especially suitable for high temperature surface coating; Excellent barrier to oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases. Excellent mechanical and thermal properties and high strength, high modulus and heat resistance, high barrier, excellent cooking resistance. MXD6-LGF MXD6 can be compounded with glass fiber for use in fiberglass reinforced materials containing 50-60% glass fiber for exceptional strength and stiffness. Even when filled with high glass content, its smooth, resin-rich surface produces a fibre-free high gloss surface, ideal for painting, metal-plating, or creating naturally reflective shells. 1, suitable for high liquidity of thin wall It is a very fluid resin that can easily fill thin walls as thin as 0.5 mm thick even when the glass fiber content is as high as 60%. 2. Excellent surface finish A resin-rich perfect surface has a highly polished appearance, even with a high glass fiber content. 3. High strength and stiffness The tensile and flexural strength of MXD6 is similar to that of many cast metals and alloys with the addition of 50-60% glass fiber reinforced material. 4, good dimensional stability At ambient temperatures, the linear expansion coefficient (CLTE) of MXD6 glass fiber composites is similar to that of many cast metals and alloys. Strong reproducibility due to low shrinkage and the ability to maintain tight tolerances (length tolerances as low as ± 0.05% if properly formed). MXD6 replaces metal to produce high-quality structural parts for automobiles, electronics and electrical appliances In automobile parts, many occasions require material products with high mechanical strength and good oil resistance, and can be used in the range of 120 ~ 160℃ for a long time. Glass fiber reinforced MXD6 heat resistant temperature up to 225℃, high rate of strength retention at high temperature, can be used in the cylinder block, cylinder head, piston, synchronous gear, etc. MXD6/PPO alloy has high temperature resistance, high strength, oil resistance, wear resistance, good dimensional stability and other properties, can be used for the vertical outer plate of the automobile body, front and rear fenders, wheel covers and almost can not use steel plate stamping forming curved parts and automobile chassis. Datasheet for reference Application fileds Production process Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., Ltd Q. 製品の繊維含有量はどのように選べばよいですか? 大きい製品は繊維含有量の高い素材に適していますか? A. これは絶対的なものではありません。ガラス繊維の含有量は多ければ多いほど良いです。それぞれの製品の要件に合わせて適切な内容を選択してください。 Q. どのような状況で長繊維が短繊維に取って代わることができますか? 一般的な代替材料は何ですか? A. お客様の機械的特性が満たせない場合、またはより高級な金属の代替品が必要な場合は、従来の短繊維材料を長ガラス繊維および長炭素繊維の LFT 材料に置き換えることができます。たとえば、PP ガラス長繊維はナイロン強化ガラス繊維に置き換わることが多く、ナイロン長ガラス繊維は PPS シリーズに置き換わります。 Q. 長ガラス繊維と長炭素繊維の射出成形には、射出成形機や金型に特別な要件がありますか? A. 確かに要件はあります。特に製品設計構造、射出成形機のスクリューノズル、金型構造から、射出成形プロセスでは長繊維の要件を考慮する必要があります。
アモイ LFT MXD6 充填長ガラス繊維 30 高靭性射出成形自然色のサンプルが利用可能
MXD6 Polyadipyl-m-benzoylamine, referred to as mxd6, generally referred to as "nylon mxd6", resin than other engineering plastics have higher mechanical strength and modulus, is also a special high barrier nylon material. Although the barrier of mxd6 is slightly worse than that of pvdc and evoh, its barrier is not affected by temperature and humidity, which is especially suitable for high temperature and humid occasions. In today's barrier packaging and plastic instead of steel general trend, nylon mxd6 has become one of the most eye-catching new plastic varieties. Structure performance: PA MXD6 nylon material has high strength, high rigidity, high thermal deformation temperature, small thermal expansion coefficient; Dimensional stability, low water absorption rate and small size change after water absorption, mechanical strength changes less; Forming shrinkage is small, suitable for precision forming processing; Excellent coating performance, especially suitable for high temperature surface coating; Excellent barrier to oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases. Excellent mechanical and thermal properties and high strength, high modulus and heat resistance, high barrier, excellent cooking resistance Advantages 1、Maintain high strength and rigidity in a wide temperature range 2、High heat deflection temperature, small coefficient of thermal expansion 3、Low water absorption, small size change after water absorption, less mechanical strength reduction 4、Small shrinkage rate of molding, suitable for precision molding process 5、Excellent paintability, especially suitable for surface painting under high temperature 6、Excellent barrier to oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases MXD6-LGF MXD6 applications in the plastics modification industry MXD6 can be compounded with glass fibers, carbon fibers, minerals and/or advanced fillers for materials containing 50-60% glass fiber reinforcement with exceptional strength and stiffness. Even when filled with high levels of glass fiber, its smooth, resin-rich surface creates a high gloss finish like no glass fiber, making it ideal for painting, metal coating or creating naturally reflective housings. 1、High fluidity for thin wall It is a very high flowing resin that can easily fill thin walls as thin as 0.5 mm thick even with glass fiber content as high as 60%. 2、Excellent surface finish The resin-rich perfect surface has a highly polished appearance, even with a high glass fiber content. 3、Very high strength and stiffness MXD6 with 50-60% glass fiber reinforcement has a tensile and flexural strength similar to many cast metals and alloys. 4、Good dimensional stability At ambient temperature, the coefficient of linear expansion (CLTE) of MXD6 glass fiber composite is similar to that of many cast metals and alloys. It is highly reproducible due to low shrinkage and the ability to maintain tight tolerances (length tolerances can be as low as ± 0.05% if properly formed). TDS for reference only Application MXD6 replaces metal to make high quality structural parts for automobiles, electronics and electrical appliances 自動車部品では機械的強度が高く、耐油性に優れ、120~160℃の範囲で長時間使用できる材料製品が求められる場面が多くあります。ガラス繊維強化MXD6は、225℃までの耐熱性と高温下での強度保持率が高く、自動車エンジンのシリンダーブロック、シリンダーヘッド、ピストン、シンクロギヤ等に使用されています。MXD6/PPOアロイは、高温耐性、高強度、耐油性、耐摩耗性、寸法安定性などの特性を備えており、自動車ボディの垂直外板、前後フェンダー、ホイールカバーなどに使用でき、プレス成形ではほとんど不可能です。鋼板。自動車の湾曲部分やシャーシ。 私たちに関しては
中国の有名なブランド MXD6 射出成形熱可塑性樹脂用複合長ガラス繊維 lgf
MXD6 introduction Polyhexanediyl m-dimethylamine, referred to in English as mxd6, generally referred to as "nylon mxd6", the resin has higher mechanical strength and modulus than other engineering plastics, but also a special high barrier nylon material. Nylon mxd6 is one of aromatic and aliphatic polyacyl limbs, which is produced by m-phenylenedimethylamine and adipic acid. In industrial production, in order to make the raw materials economical and easy to obtain, often mixed xylene as raw materials, first made of m-phenylene dimethylamine content higher than 70% of mixed benzene dimethylamine, and then with adipic acid to generate salt, in the presence of a small amount of stabilizer adipic acid and appropriate amount of water for the pressure condensation reaction, the resulting polymer is a hybrid. Although the barrier property of mxd6 is a little less than that of pvdc and evoh, its barrier property is not affected by temperature and humidity, which is especially suitable for high temperature and humid occasions. In today's barrier packaging and the general trend to replace steel with plastic, nylon mxd6 has become one of the striking new plastic varieties. Advantages 1、Maintain high strength and rigidity in a wide temperature range 2、High heat deflection temperature, small coefficient of thermal expansion 3、Low water absorption, small size change after water absorption, less mechanical strength reduction 4、Small shrinkage rate of molding, suitable for precision molding process 5、Excellent paintability, especially suitable for surface painting under high temperature 6、Excellent barrier to oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases Long glass fiber compounds Long glass fiber reinforced composites can solve your problems when other methods of reinforced plastics do not provide the performance you need or if you want to replace metal with plastic. Long glass fiber reinforced composites can cost-effectively reduce the cost of goods and effectively improve the mechanical properties of engineering polymers, and increase the durability by forming long fibers to form a long-fiber-reinforced internal skeleton network. Application MXD6 can be filled with glass fibers to create a glass fiber reinforced material containing 20-60% glass fiber with exceptional strength and stiffness. Even when filled with high levels of glass fiber, its smooth, resin-rich surface creates a high gloss surface as without glass fiber, making it ideal for painting, metal coating or creating naturally reflective housings. 1、High fluidity for thin wall It is a very high flowing resin that can easily fill thin walls as thin as 0.5 mm in thickness even when the glass fiber content is as high as 60%. 2、Excellent surface finish The resin-rich perfect surface has a highly polished appearance, even with a high glass fiber content. 3、Very high strength and stiffness With 50-60% glass fiber reinforcement, MXD6 has tensile and flexural strengths similar to many cast metals and alloys. 4、Good dimensional stability At ambient temperature, the coefficient of linear expansion (CLTE) of MXD6 glass fiber composite is similar to that of many cast metals and alloys. It is highly reproducible due to low shrinkage and the ability to maintain tight tolerances (length tolerances can be as low as ± 0.05% if properly formed). MXD6 replaces metal in the production of high-quality structural parts for automobiles, electronics, and appliances In automotive parts, many occasions require material products with high mechanical strength and good oil resistance, and can be used in the range of 120 ~ 160 ℃ for a long time. Glass fiber reinforced MXD6 has a heat resistance of up to 225°C and high strength retention at high temperatures, and can be used in cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, pistons, timing gears, etc. of automobile engines. MXD6/PPO alloy has the properties of high temperature resistance, high strength, oil resistance, wear resistance, good dimensional stability, etc. It can be used for vertical outer panels of automobile bodies, front and rear fenders, wheel covers and curved parts that can hardly be formed by stamping with steel plates and automobile chassis. TDS foryour reference Certifications Quality Management System ISO9001/1949 Certification 国立研究所認定証明書 変性プラスチック革新企業 名誉証明書 重金属 REACH および ROHS テスト アモイLFT複合プラスチック有限公司 アモイ LFT 複合プラスチック有限公司は、LFT&LFRT に焦点を当てたブランド企業です。長ガラス繊維シリーズ (LGF) および長炭素繊維シリーズ (LCF)。同社の熱可塑性 LFT は、LFT-G 射出成形および押出成形に使用できるほか、LFT-D 成形にも使用できます。お客様のご要望に応じて長さ5~25mmまで製作可能です。同社の連続浸透強化熱可塑性プラスチックは ISO9001&16949 システム認証に合格してお

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