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自動車部品における炭素繊維複合材の大量使用 2024-07-17



現在、中国は炭素のピークとカーボンニュートラルの達成という目標を明確に定義し、さまざまな業界に新しい要求を提示しており、炭素削減と脱炭素化は自動車業界のコンセンサスとなっています。 そのため、現在、自動車の生産において、メーカーは優れた省エネと排出削減基準の達成に努めています。




* 最小密度、最大の引張強度、疲労耐性、耐衝撃性、耐腐食性、衝撃吸収性、自動車の軽量化。
* 車が衝撃を受けたとき、衝撃エネルギーを完全に吸収し、エネルギーを緩衝および吸収する役割を果たし、人の安全性を大幅に向上させます。
* 低炭素鋼と比較して、炭素繊維は、車両の強度と安全性能を確保することを前提として、55%〜60%の軽量化と30%〜40%の燃費向上を実現でき、省エネと排出削減の重要な手段です。
* 高い設計性により、さまざまなニーズに合わせて製造でき、顧客のニーズを満たすパーソナライズされた設計製品です。





Carbon fiber wheel hub

As one of the important components to ensure the safety of the car, the hub must not only bear the weight and load of the vehicle, but also transmit the drive and torque.

This requires very high quality of car wheels. Carbon fiber composites have excellent mechanical properties, heat resistance and durability, and can replace metal as wheel hub materials.

At the same time, the use of carbon fiber materials reduces the hub mass, helping to reduce wheel inertia, so that the vehicle has faster start, stop and steering speed.

Application of brake system

Automotive brake lining mainly uses asbestos material, which is easy to friction and produce high temperature during braking, resulting in thermal degradation of performance, and the asbestos dust produced has carcinogenic hazards.

Carbon fiber composite material has high specific strength, good wear resistance and good heat resistance, and can be used as a substitute for asbestos in automotive brake pads.

The carbon fiber brake disc can reduce the speed from 300KM/h to 50Km/h within 50m. Carbon fiber brake disc can withstand the high temperature of 2500℃, and the performance is stable.

Carbon fiber drive shaft for cars

The force situation of automobile transmission shaft is more complex, especially to bear a lot of torque, and the material performance requirements are higher.

Carbon fiber reinforced composite material has the characteristics of anisotropy, high specific strength and relatively low specific modulus, which can better meet the needs of use instead of metal material as the drive shaft.

Carbon fiber drive shaft not only reduces weight by 60%, but also has better fatigue resistance and durability.

The application of air intake system

Carbon fiber composite material as the automotive air intake system material, on the one hand can reduce the weight, to achieve the effect of lightweight; On the other hand, carbon fiber materials are easy to be processed into various curved shapes, and the surface is smooth, which can effectively improve the intake efficiency.

Carbon fiber decorative parts

Carbon fiber composite material has a good vibration absorption effect, has a large buffer effect on impact, and reduces the impact debris generation, improve the safety.

The use of carbon fiber interior and exterior decoration materials, in addition to automotive lightweight, also simplifies the parts manufacturing process, reduces parts processing, assembly, maintenance costs, and reduces production costs.

* 上記の側面に加えて、カーボンファイバーは、シャーシ、エンジンハッチ、ギアボックス、燃料貯蔵タンク、バンパー、バックミラーシェル、インテリアドアパネル、カーシートなどにも広く使用されています。

* まとめると、カーボンファイバーは自動車分野で広く使用されており、自動車の耐久性と安全性を大幅に向上させ、自動車製造業界の技術レベルを大幅に向上させることができます。カーボンファイバーの応用は、人々の自動車性能に対する要求をよりよく満たし、人々により安全で快適な旅行サービスを提供することができます。


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