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TPU carbon fiber composite

tpu炭素繊維複合材 機械式アームで作られたロボットアームは、操作タスクを実行するための主要コンポーネントの1つであり、工業製造、医療、民間、軍事、輸送ロジスティクス、宇宙探査などの分野で広く使用されています。現在、市場に出回っているメカニカルアームは、tpu炭素繊維複合材料で作られるようになっていますが、なぜですか?
腕が軽いほど、運動の慣性は小さくなります。軽量設計により、マニピュレーターのパワーウェイトレシオを最適化できます。tpulcf素材の使用は、マニピュレーターの軽量化を実現するための重要な方法の1つです。 tpu炭素繊維複合材料は、鋼の3分の1の密度で、アルミニウムよりも約30%軽量です。つまり、機械の稼働に必要なエネルギーが少なく、軽量で高速です。
メカニカルアームが負担する基本重量には、自重と最大重量が含まれます。の強度と弾性率 tpulcfコンポジット 鋼よりも高く、引張強度は一般に3500MPA以上で、鋼の7〜9倍です。私たちの工場は、壁の厚さが6mm、直径が20cmのメカニカルアームをtpu LCFで製造したアメリカの顧客と協力しており、実際に100kgを超える機器や機器を運ぶことができます。この高い耐荷重能力により、多様化が可能になります。




tpu lon gカーボンファイバーブラック強化熱可塑性プラスチック

梱包 25kg / バッグ
配達時間 3〜15日

black color long glass fiber reinofrced tpu

LFT glass fiber TPU

私と契約します:L ucy

C オントラ ctsメール: sale04@lfrtplastic.com & sale02@lfrtplastic.com

契約wechat / whats app / skype: 86135 5009 5727

web: www。 lft-g.com

工場追加: ビルB、いいえ。 55、hongxi south Road、トーチハイテクゾーン、翔安区、 厦門、福建、中国



中国のOEM MXD6射出成形機ファイバーグラスmxd6顆粒子サプライヤー
MXD6 injection machine fiber glass mxd6 granules polymer which one is made in ourself factory.
 MXD6 材料を強化します
ハイバリアナイロン材料MXD6 長いガラス繊維を充填する
ハイバリアナイロン材料MXD6 長いガラス繊維を充填する
黒色 TPU 強化ポリマー注入グレード
熱可塑性 TPU LCF 軽量構造部品用の炭素繊維ペレット
熱可塑性 TPU LCF 軽量構造部品用の炭素繊維ペレット
 MXD6 ナイロンPAガラス
MXD6 注入機繊維ガラスMXD6 顆粒ポリマー
MXD6 注入機繊維ガラスMXD6 肉芽ポリマー 工場
産業用新素材 PPA 複合長炭素繊維 高性能 低価格
PPAとは何ですか? PPA (Polyphthalamide) is polyphthalamide. PPA is a kind of thermoplastic functional nylon with both semi-crystalline structure and non-crystalline structure. It is prepared by polycondensation of phthalic acid and phthalenediamine. It has excellent thermal, electrical, physical and chemical resistance and other comprehensive properties. It still has excellent mechanical properties, including high rigidity, high strength, high dimensional accuracy, low warping and stability, fatigue resistance and creep resistance, under the harsh working environment of continuous high temperature, humidity, oil pollution and chemical corrosion at 200℃. The main application is non-crystalline PPA. PPA has high hardness, excellent mechanical strength such as bending, tensile and impact at high temperature, and can resist tensile creep for a long time. Its rigidity and strength even exceed PPS and PEEK at the high temperature of 120℃. Especially suitable to replace die casting alloy to reduce cost. PPA has higher thermal stability than PA46, better arc resistance and infrared reflow welding ability of CTI. PPA has excellent resistance to gasoline, diesel, oil, mineral oil, transformer oil and other oils, even at high temperature of 150℃. PPA is suitable for long-term outdoor use without reducing physical properties even in extreme climate conditions such as high UV radiation, high humidity and high temperature. PPA resin is stronger and harder than fatty polyamides such as nylon 66; Less sensitive to water; Better thermal performance; And much better creep, fatigue and chemical resistance. The vast majority of PPA resins are processed by traditional injection molding. What is Long carbon fiber? Long carbon fiber reinforced composites offer significant weight savings and provide optimum strength and stiffness properties in reinforced thermoplastics. The excellent mechanical properties of long carbon fiber reinforced company make it an ideal replacement for metals. Combined with the design and manufacturing advantages of injection molded thermoplastics, long carbon fiber composites simplify the re-imagining of components and equipment with demanding performance requirements. Its widespread use in aerospace and other advanced industries makes it a "high-tech" perception of consumers - you can use it to market products and create differentiation from competitors. What is the application of PPA-LCF? Suitable for high temperature, anti-static, high-strength components. Other products can also ask for our advice. We have 24h 1V1 service for you. Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., ltd Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., Ltd. is a brand-name company that focuses on LFT&LFRT. Long Glass Fiber Series (LGF) & Long Carbon Fiber Series (LCF). The company's thermoplastic LFT can be used for LFT-G injection molding and extrusion, and can also be used for LFT-D molding. It can be produced according to customer requirements: 5~25mm length. The company's long-fiber continuous infiltration reinforced thermoplastics have passed ISO9001&16949 system certification, and the products have obtained lots of national trademarks and patents. In particular, the carbon fiber LFT series produced by our company has broken the technical blockade of foreign countries. For domestic: automotive, military parts, firearms, aerospace, new energy, sports equipment and other fileds require high-performance thermoplastic special engineering plastics. And other new technology innovation industries provide product and technical support.
製品名:LFT耐クリープ性ナイロン6フィルロングカーボンファイバー強化ペレット 長さ:12-25mm

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